More wisdom from the Peters book: Have a healthy fear of the exams.
There are oral exams, written exams, maybe even a quest for a Holy Grail or two. Take the full two years to prep, sayeth Rogers, and get some friends (both faculty and students) to help study. Spend as much time researching the exam committee as the subject material. Be prepared for things relevant in your chosen field, even if the material wasn’t covered in any class or recommended by a professor. In other words, know everything known collectively by the 4-5 profs asking you questions, plus what everyone else in your profession knows.
No pressure.
This is especially perplexing to think about considering one of the big tips Peters talks about is looking at past exams and talking to students who have taken them. Um … This is the second year of a new program. I believe the very first such test was drafted in April. The first victims won’t jump through those hoops until next spring. So much for knowledge transfer.