On our way to a friends house after school, Carter shared some of his school-related frustration:
“E accused me of getting up before our table was called, and that was not true. I got up when the Van Gogh table was called. Then, he followed me to my desk and said I walked really fast to get in line, and really, it was quite slow. It was just a slow walk.”
As he tells me, he gets more upset. I comment, “Wow. It sounds like it really gets your goat when someone accuses you of breaking a rule or doing something wrong.”
Carter: “Well, yes, particularly because I am never wrong. I always do the right thing.”
Me (somewhat incredulous) “Seriously? You never do anything wrong?”
Carter: “Yes. I’m always right. (long pause) I mean, as far as I can remember, I’m right. I might forget some things.”
And a later random comment from the back seat:
Carter: “You know, I just can’t stand Hades. I really don’t like him.”
Archie: “Well, when I grow up to be a big kid, I’m going to like him a lot.”