Conversations with Carter Mama Journal

Prehistoric Humor

Archie and Carter were telling jokes at the breakfast table. Generally, Archie will chuckle, or even guffaw, at about anything, but Carter likes to be certain that Archie understands just why the joke is funny.

(Funny, considering my memories of Carter at Archie’s age, sitting at the “boy’s table” with Robby sharing knock knock jokes like:

knock knock
who’s there?

but, as usual, I digress)

So Carter tells a joke:

Carter: Why wasn’t Sue afraid of the shark?

Archie: I don’t know.

Carter: Because it was a man-eating shark.

lots of guffaws.

Carter: Do you know why that’s funny, Archie?

Archie: ummm, No.

Carter: Because Sue is actually a dinosaur.

Yeah. That’s why it’s funny.

By Amy Makice

Amy Makice is a social worker actively working on two other family-centered projects, Creative Family Resources and Parenting for Humanity. Amy has a weekly online show on BlogTalkRadio.

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