Archie's Antics Mama Journal Parenting

Money doesn’t grow on trees

Archie offers some financial advice.

But Archie can help you get some.

Archie: (at the pool after a long afternoon) I want ice cream.

Me: Sorry bud. I don’t have any money left- remember? We spent it all this morning at the grocery. (show empty purse for reinforcement)

Archie: (thoughtful for a moment, then delighted) Hey! Mommy! I KNOW! I learned from Nanna! I know where to get money!

Me: (so wishing this would turn out the way he wants) Really? Where?

Archie: (triumphant) The place that gives me stickers also gives out money! I saw them give some to Nanna!

I told Mom about this conversation, and she remembered Aunt Meg at the same age responding to the denial of a toy by the same excuse with, “well Mommy, Go to the bank.”

By Amy Makice

Amy Makice is a social worker actively working on two other family-centered projects, Creative Family Resources and Parenting for Humanity. Amy has a weekly online show on BlogTalkRadio.

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