
Magic Cop is being busted

Shows get bounced around and off of the networks all the time, even really good ones. You would think that with all these thousands of Web 2.0 start-ups getting announced on blogs every day that one of them might cater to the scorned devotees of axed shows. There should be a very easy and reliable way to generate the proper buzz, file petitions, share offline contact information, and collectively bid farewell to a dying show when all of that fails to sway the execs.

Local literary celeb Meg Cabot had this little important tidbit of information in her journal entry today:

In non-cat related news, there is a ROY (rumor on the yard—you would know this if you’d watched Kathy Griffin the other night) that Sci-Fi channel is not renewing The Dresden Files for another season. Say it isn’t so! This is ONLY show I watch on this channel. Go here if you’re interested in seeing what you can do to help save the show (if it’s not already too late)!

Obediently—I must, for she is a banned author who has dined with Judy Blume—I went here. I did numbers 3 and 6 on the list, getting an email error that has me confused as to whether anything actually happened. I like the show (it’s on our TV list), but probably not enough to debug tech problems from afar.

Shows get bounced around and off of the networks all the time, even really good ones. You would think that with all these thousands of Web 2.0 start-ups getting announced on blogs every day that one of them might cater to the scorned devotees of axed shows. There should be a very easy and reliable way to generate the proper buzz, file petitions, share offline contact information, and collectively bid farewell to a dying show when all of that fails to sway the execs.

Seriously, this seems like a winning idea. Maybe some of these other TV-centric communities already have a place to deal with the catharsis part, but can’t there a MoveOn toolbox for Dresden, too?

By Kevin Makice

A Ph.D student in informatics at Indiana University, Kevin is rich in spirit. He wrestles and reads with his kids, does a hilarious Christian Slater imitation and lights up his wife's days. He thinks deeply about many things, including but not limited to basketball, politics, microblogging, parenting, online communities, complex systems and design theory. He didn't, however, think up this profile.

5 replies on “Magic Cop is being busted”

If TPTB have made a decision, they haven’t shared it yet, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed. If you don’t know this fun show, go check out an episode on iTunes. It’s like Harry Potter, all grown up into a fully dysfunctional adult: solving crimes and redefining the noir genre because there’s a lot of black magic in the Naked City. Okay, it’s Chicago. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the plug!

Thanks for the help Kevin!! We’re hopefull that SciFi will recognize the value of the Dresden Files series & will renew it as logic & the fans demand! 🙂

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