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Chore Wars

Although Kevin “claims” to have mentioned this site previously, last night the Chore Wars site came to my attention and I set up our family adventure. Each person can set up their own character, choose “adventures” (read: chores) and do them, claim them, fight a monster and get some treasure. Here are some of our adventures:

dusting living room
* medium strength, medium constitution, low dexterity
* between 5 and 45 gold pieces
* 48% chance of treasure (invisibility cloak,wand of destiny)
* 47% chance of a wandering monster (dustman jones)

emptying the car
* low strength, high constitution, low dexterity
* between 8 and 88 gold pieces
* 56% chance of treasure (chest of gold,impenetrable shield,transforming coin)
* 54% chance of a wandering monster (mold monster)

gathering toys
* medium strength, low constitution, low dexterity, low intelligence
* between 20 and 40 gold pieces
* 55% chance of treasure (transforming toy fairy,missing piece block,lego armor)
* 50% chance of a wandering monster (toy thief)

making bed
* low strength, low intelligence
* between 2 and 20 gold pieces
* 35% chance of treasure (Stuffed Animal,friendly Teddy,armored pajamas)
* 35% chance of a wandering monster (evil dust bunnies,biting bedbugs)

picking up sticks
* medium strength, medium constitution
* between 35 and 40 gold pieces
* 85% chance of treasure (magic rock,flying spear,garden fairy)
* 80% chance of a wandering monster (poop gnome)

I pulled up the site this morning and let the boys choose their characters. They were very excited, fought about who would get to clean the bathroom sink, which in any other circumstances would lead me to wonder if I’d been sucked into a parallel universe.

Me: hey guys? We have two bathroom sinks. You can both do one.

Archie: (impressed) We have two?

Me: Yes we do. You can each choose one to clean and claim the points.

Carter: (the truth slowly dawning on him) Wait a minute. You’re telling me we have to do these chores for real?

Me: Well, yes, before you enter it on the computer.

Carter: Uh, yeah. I don’t want to do that. Would I get points for. . . say. . . putting on my glasses?