Archie's Antics Conversations with Carter Mama Journal Parenting

Hey You, Get Off of my Cloud

The dimension play continued this morning, but entered dicey territory when Archie knocked over a dimension in an attempt to avoid a fly. Carter has adapted “dimension” and has started referring to his “dementia.”

Carter: MOMMMMMMMM! Archie stepped on my dementia. (To Archie) Of course dinosaurs are going to have giant bugs in their dimension. You don’t have to attack them and knock them over.

Archie: I don’t like bugs. Dinosaurs don’t like bugs.

Carter: That doesn’t mean you have to go destroy dementia. You made the dinosaur dementia and then ruined it.

Archie: (channeling Arnold Schwarzenegger) I will destroy it.

Carter: (resigned) At least stay out of my dementia.