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Dimension clutter

Today I spent the afternoon playing with Carter. He set up an elaborate maze in our basement that included Bionicles, gears, abandoned Easter eggs and superheroes. Each section was a separate dimension, as Carter explained:

Carter: There is one dimension where I need to wear a helmet- I need a helmet because it gets so hot there, it’s called Kingdom Come, that I create a miniature nuclear atmosphere that makes it so hot for me it’s hard to breathe. So I need a breathing helmet.

Archie: I’m climbing up the wall. My hair turns into spiderwebs, no turns into spiders that pull me up the wall. Want a ride?

Carter: Oh No! I’m going into Kingdom Come! I need a helmet!

Archie: I gave you all a ride up the wall to my dimension.

Carter: Mostly, we’ll go to the under dimensions where large things orbit smaller things even though there is less gravitational pull. We can rest in Rhino’s dimension, since he was my loyal servant for many years after I turned him into a living being. I’m sure he won’t mind.

Archie went upstairs for a moment, and I asked Carter to repeat some of his dimension information.

Carter: Well, I can’t.

Me: It’s secret?

Carter: No. I make it up, and when I get really interested, I just talk a lot.

Me: No kidding.

Carter: Don’t tell Archie though, he thinks it’s all real.

At dinner, I tried to recapture the dizzying flavor of “dimension clutter game” for Kevin.

Carter: And then there’s the under dimension with miniature dimension that kept shrinking into itself until it became a millionth of a subatomic microcell.

Kevin: those are measured in aangstroms.

Amy: (hits head on table repeatedly)

Carter: yeah. I know.

Kevin: You do?

Carter: Wait. Is there such a thing? Is it real?

Kevin: An Aangstrom? Yes.

Carter: No. A Nuclear subatomic microcell.

Yeah. That.