Archie's Antics BlogSchmog Conversations with Carter Mama Journal Parenting

Dad caught stars

We’ve had a busy few days.

On Saturday we attended Rob’s bowling birthday party.

The younger kids were transfixed by guns:
Archie and Max play with guns
Aren’t they cute when they’re armed?

Carter complained that the bowling shoes didn’t match his outfit.
Carter bowls

We went straight from bowling to Picnic with the Pops, where the band played for an audience of Nanna (seriously- she was the only one up there paying attention) and then was mocked by the announcer. We watched a magician (Kevin’s wearing a Google cap and I’m next to him) and then hung out long enough for Kevin to cheerfully await the children’s parade.
“Okay kids, get in line for the Children’s Parade! Are you in line? Are you all ready for the children’s parade? Okay then! Just wait while I make all the safety announcements and thank the 200 sponsors!”

Connie and Nora also waited patiently for the parade. Nora was quite excited to be attending an evening full of “pops,” resulting in some disappointment when she discovered that grown-up “pops” are not lollipops.

While they paraded, Archie practiced crossing his eyes:
Archie tries to cross his eyes
He doesn’t quite have it, but he’s got a genetic predisposition to be excellent at it.

Last night we watched fireworks from our yard. We lit sparklers:
Archie sparkler
Archie kept his as far from himself as possible, while Carter:
Carter and sparklers
studied his sparkler carefully.

In the end, we cuddled up together and watched an excellent show, without being close enough for the noise to send kids screaming for cover.
boys watching fireworks

Happy Fourth Everyone!