Archie's Antics Mama Journal Parenting

Don’t put all your eggs on the playset

A cautionary tale about sharing refrigerator space.

I enjoyed a little early morning quiet as Archie disappeared into the back yard. After about ten minutes, he shuffled past.

Me: Whatcha doing out there?

Archie: Using eggs to make bugs sticky.

Me: (thinking crap we only have two eggs left!) Really? How many eggs?

Archie: (as though speaking to a lunatic) We only have two left. I used the other small eggs.

Me: The other eggs are Aysin’s. (not being fresh from the farm, they are not as big or thick as the ones we usually have)

Archie: Sorry. I didn’t know they were anyone’s. I need them for the potion to make bugs sticky in the back yard.

I’m thinking this may be one reason we’re not cut out for communal living.

By Amy Makice

Amy Makice is a social worker actively working on two other family-centered projects, Creative Family Resources and Parenting for Humanity. Amy has a weekly online show on BlogTalkRadio.

2 replies on “Don’t put all your eggs on the playset”

Doncha love the all-knowing “My Mommy needs to get with the program: 3 year-olds can give?? Hehehehe.

What was he planning to do with the sticky bugs?

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