WhatIfSports.com is making use of their FOX Sports resources to dive into Web 2.0, introducing a widget this week that will show weekly predictions for upcoming pro games. The new tool—which can be integrated with MySpace, Blogger, Xanga, Facebook, and other social networking platforms—is updated weekly to provide our NFL projections, including game matchups and fantasy standouts. The information is based on their simulation engines, which utilize previous performance and injury updates to generate realistic games.
This thorough analysis and statistical evaluation of every player and team in the NFL is part of a broader endeavor with FOXSports.com’s Fantasy Football. Each regular season game is simulated 61 times, with the sum of the averages of those games being our final predicted outcome. This allows us to account for ever player and stat.
The NFL games widget is one of several new widgets planned by WIS. Future releases will include college football predictions and integration with the My Locker team management tools for their online games. There is also a desktop version (for Windows) of this tool.