Our November homeschooling activites include Astronomy and the Nanowrimo Young Author’s Program. Using writing prompts from their Elementary level character worksheets, we jumped in this morning. I proudly present Carter’s Great American Novel:
What is your character?
Time Traveler
Where does your main character live?
Any time, any place
Does he like it there?
Not always. He started in 1815, that’s when he was born. He thinks he’ll die in 1605. He owns a very powerful weapon. A weapon that he tells the secrets of how it works to no one.
Both the weapon and the time traveler can take on any form. The time traveler was born in 1815 in his dimension, which would be 1701 in our dimension. 1605 would be 2707 in our dimension.
The traveler was born in the form of a glowing orange sphere. If he couldn’t change shape, he’d eventually grow like a tadpole from an egg to a frog-like creature, even though he wouldn’t be an amphibian.
He calls himself The Traveler. He hates some things, but they are un-pronouncable and un-spellable in the English language.
He goes from time to time to save people, to help people, to do anything as long as he’s helping. The force he battles against is time itself, because it’s so hard for him to use his strange scepter that he can’t always pick it up to time travel.
His first experience in time traveling was he traveled through his scepter portal to a dimension that he calls dementia six.
Dementia six is a neighboring dimension in a whole cluster of neighboring dimensions, one is a castle place, one is Dementia 10, a frozen wasteland with a giant fiery center that supports only one being who calls himself The Master.
Dementia six is overgrown with strange vegetation. The reason it is overgrown is because it, every six hundred thousand years, it shoots itself into orbit of another dimension but only every seven thousand million years does it ever spin around Dementia 10 because of its fiery center it would make all the stalks shoot up and grow twice the speed of any other time.
Sometimes the fire freezes and all the vegetation dies and it starts all over again.
He was born among the ancestors of The Master. The ancestors of the Master were humanoid beings, but he grew like a frog because that was the time that they experienced their never-ending ice age. That was when it first started, that’s why it’s a frozen wasteland now.
They lived in the fiery center, but no one’s allowed to come into dimension 10 except the Traveler and the Master because the fiery city is radioactive.
The Fiery City is covered with an invisible dome that can protect it from anything. It’s really not part of Dementia 10, it’s really a space ship that’s ready to take off but it was built by the Castle Creatures of the Castle Dimension. They like to call them “the Chess pieces.” They are always playing a strange, never ending game of “chess-checkers.”
They play it like this:
Half of the board are checkers, half of the board are The Chess pieces. The Checkers like to play against them, but there are four colors for The Checkers. Black and White and Red and Purple. The other one, the chess pieces, have the same colors although in a different order. They have them Red and Purple, Black and White. They are arranged the opposite way from The Checkers.
The Checkers come from a two-dimensional race and they like to call it the “Two Dimension.” And the “Two Dimension” isn’t really a dimension, it’s actually a strange socket full of two dimensional dimensions. All of those dimensions support one planet and one star. The radiation from their half Blue and Purple and half only multicolored stars makes the sun constantly shrink and expand so when it gets smaller than the planet, it orbits the planet. When it gets bigger, the planet orbits it which makes both the planets constantly leap-frogging across their dimension, and eventually will go beyond their dimension and their suns or planet will collide.
4 replies on “Nanowrimo 1: The Traveler”
It is great to see the work of other young authors. Last year, my daughter Miranda wrote her first novel as part of NaNoWriMo.
Subtle Differences
This year, she is working on novel number two, and has convinced me to try my hand at it as well.
So far, I’m around 3,000 words into my novel set, at least in part, in Second Life.
Right now, I’m heading out to a ‘write-in’ with other NaNoWriMoers in my area.
Keep up the writing Carter. I hope you have as much fun as I’m having.
Thanks for giving Carter some encouragement. I signed up myself this afternoon, but I haven’t even managed to login to update my profile. Not sure what I was thinking, putting this on top of all my academic commitments, but I’m excited about doing this in a community of other people struggling to get over similar humps.
Good writing!
I’m glad you’ve signed up as well. It has been fascinating for me to observe the community of writers, from BlogCatalog to TBD, from Facebook to the NaNoWriMo site, based on Drupal. Feel free to add me as a friend there.
Also, I went to a ‘write-in’ last night and have blogged about it on Orient Lodge.
Good luck, and keep writing.
What a detailed and creative storyline! I love it