Archie's Antics BlogSchmog Conversations with Carter Mama Journal Parenting

Morning Madness- I have a dream. . .

I have a dream. It seems attainable- not one of those “I-want-to-build-a-solar-powered-house-next-door-to-Christopher-Walken” dreams, but a simple aspiration. I want to sleep in on Saturday morning with my spouse. Now that Carter is adept enough at remote controlling, it’s almost a possibility.

Archie: Daddy doesn’t want to cuddle with me.

Kevin: zzzzzzz

Me: (Manage to hit the moving snooze button –not literally, Jeeze– for another 45 minutes)

6:30 am
Archie: Daddy won’t let me wake up Carter.

Me: Mmmph sleep please mmmmph

6:35 am
Me: (notice small lips kissing my chin, lean in to return the kiss.)

Archie: (delighted) Mom! Our lips are like broken suction cups!

6:45 am
Archie: Carter, Car. Ter. Carter Carter CAAAARTER, Car. Ter.

Carter: Mmmph

Archie: Carter won’t wake up.

Kevin: zzzzzz

7:00 am
Archie: I had a dream. It was a nightmare. It was confusing because it was Cyberchase and Scooby Doo and Pirates too. And they made the whole world turn into pirate zombies.

Me: Mmmph. Sounds scary and confusing.

Kevin: zzzzzz

7:30 am
Archie: Daddy doesn’t like us.

Me: Oh, Daddy’s just much better at sleeping through interruptions than I am. (Kick Kevin under the covers)

Kevin: zzzzzzzzz

7:40 am

Me: Did you ask Carter? Just climb right over Daddy.

Carter: (sitting up) What?

Archie: Let’s go! Carter!

Carter: (in a daze) What?

Archie: Carter won’t talk to me right.

Me: Sometimes it takes a while to wake up, sweetie. Give him a minute.

Carter: (leaping to his feet) Let’s go, Archie!

7:50 am

Sweetness: whine, whine, (translation: help me on the bed, I’m too lazy to do it myself)

Me: kicking Kevin

Kevin: zzzzzz

Me: fine. (lifting Sweetness to the bed)

Following that, I had at least ten minutes during which I snuggled with a still unconscious Kevin.

8:00 am
Carter: Mom? I could make you some coffee if you’d get up and help us with the remotes.

Is there anyone who could resist that?

As I turned on the Tivo and checked for kid shows, I discovered a Mr. Rogers neighborhood in the suggestions folder. Carter was delighted, told Archie, “You’ll love this show. He’s great. I totally remember this show.”

I sipped my coffee while Mr. Rogers learned to jump rope. Not my dream, but not a bad morning at all.

Post Script: As I typed this, Kevin was getting crazy with the Santa puppet, growling and making a horrible hissing sound.

Carter: Ack! Watch out Archie! It’s feral Santa!

By Amy Makice

Amy Makice is a social worker actively working on two other family-centered projects, Creative Family Resources and Parenting for Humanity. Amy has a weekly online show on BlogTalkRadio.