
Vote for Dennis Kucinich … in the media polls (at least)

We’re back to blogging after a holiday break, spurred from inaction by more news that Dennis Kucinich was excluded from primary debates. Here’s my contribution to Politics 2.0: Vote for Dennis Kucinich in any poll you come across. The vote costs you nothing, and unfortunately, polls have become more meaningful than the ballot.

Holiday is over, the spring semester is starting tomorrow, and it is time to blog again. The motivation at hand is my favorite Progressive flag-bearer candidate, Dennis Kucinich, being shut out of national debates due to low polling. Fortunately—at the moment, since Net Neutrality continues to be a political issue—there is always the Internet.

Amateur coverage of Dennis Kucinich getting shut out of national debates

Two months ago, the panel guests on MSNBC Tucker suggested they should “shut up about the polls” as they speculated on why Kucinich isn’t garnering more respect from the Democrats for trailblazing many of their current political stances. The only change since is that the media and political machines have successfully worked to trim the logistics of the entertainment productions trying passing as meaningful political debates. Many mock him, some express concern, but the bottom line is: issue debates are the worse for excluding him. He is articulate, passionate, quick-witted and—most often—right about the policies he supports.

I hate the modern political machine. This was supposed to be the year of Politics 2.0, where the Internet allowed us to bypass corporate decisions aimed at bypassing the democratic process. Instead, we are allowing those with power to dictate and interpret the bar by which the powerful are allowed to compete for power. Well, here’s my long-tail contribution to a better tomorrow:

Vote for Dennis Kucinich. Do everyone a favor and vote for him in any poll you come across. The vote costs you nothing, and nfortunately, polls have become more meaningful than the ballot.

By Kevin Makice

A Ph.D student in informatics at Indiana University, Kevin is rich in spirit. He wrestles and reads with his kids, does a hilarious Christian Slater imitation and lights up his wife's days. He thinks deeply about many things, including but not limited to basketball, politics, microblogging, parenting, online communities, complex systems and design theory. He didn't, however, think up this profile.