Archie’s preschool has some guidelines for teachers- one is that they take exactly what the children say about their artwork or stories and write it- word for word. When I picked up Archie today, the teacher said, “We read Archie’s story from home today, and then he wrote more, but we didn’t read those.”
Behind her, the parent volunteer laughed, “I just wrote what he said,” and pointed me towards these:
and on the back:
Archie rarely stops at one- yesterday he drew about 15 funny bunnies. Today it was Kevin’s misfortune to be his muse. This is picture number two (heh):
and on the back:
7 replies on “Obscene Pictures of Kevin”
We are putting faith in transparency to the test, aren’t we? For both the readers and the co-author of this blog.
Do you think there is any chance that by “dad” he meant “Aunt Meg?”
heh. He was pretty clear. He also approved the blog entry. He said the pictures are funny.
He only refers to me when it’s about burping, sorry Kevin!!
That’s what you think. You get a lot of, er, credit for various sounds in this household.
I am often mortified.
yeah, but Meg only gets blamed for gas-related incidents.
thanks so much for helping me finish the day with another giggle about this- his pictures made my day – Love those honest/imaginative 4 year olds
So….in the 2nd one, is he pooping in a …..spaceship?? I’m confused by the many-legged capsule he seems to be in.
Awesome & hysterical, Amy. Archie has a bright future in art.
Or porn? :hee: