Carter and I had almost an hour to debate politics on our way to the Bloomfield Apple Fair last weekend. In between giant lawn signs for Mitch and a pretty cool homemade Obama sign, Carter outlined his desires for the next president.
Carter: What I really hope is our next president takes on King Arthur’s philosophy.
Me: (resisting the urge to start singing Camelot) Yes? What’s that?
Carter: War is only the very very last resort.
Me: (lost in patting myself on the back for such brilliant parenting as to produce such a thoughtful kid)
Carter: Of course, my larger concern is Area 51.
Me: Huh?
Carter: I’m afraid the next president, whether it’s Obama or McCain, might abuse Area 51.
Me: Again, huh?
Carter: (working on his patient voice) It’s likely there’s some powerful alien technology there, and the next president could use it as a terrible weapon. I don’t want that to happen.
Me: But (struggling) that isn’t happening now, right? The current president isn’t using alien technology, right?
Carter: Well Mom, I think there’s a good chance the next president will be smarter than this one.
One can only hope.
4 replies on “Presidential Concerns”
We don’t teach him these things, honest.
Although, for sake of full disclosure, we did encourage him in his toddler game of What Sounds Do These Animals Make:
If it weren’t for the occasional dental terror, I’d think that living in your household is a barrel of laughs all the time!
*chuckle* Area 51…you’re not letting Carter watch X-Files or anything, are you?
makes for some delightful reading. I’d love to read more of such junior makice conspiracy theories
thank you! loved it