Archie's Antics Mama Journal Parenting

First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Ever since we implemented the even-day/odd-day system the boys have been obsessed with the date. On odd days, Archie goes first for everything– first to get his teeth brushed, first to choose a book to read, etc. Carter has the even days.

Archie and Kevin were sitting on the couch, getting ready for teeth-brushing.

Archie: What day is it? What day is it? What day is it? (stops briefly to breathe)

Kevin: It’s the first day of the rest of your life.

Archie: (long pause) Monday?

By Amy Makice

Amy Makice is a social worker actively working on two other family-centered projects, Creative Family Resources and Parenting for Humanity. Amy has a weekly online show on BlogTalkRadio.

3 replies on “First Day of the Rest of Your Life”

As a “bonus exercise”, someone should count how many odd and how many even dates there are in a year. (You might be surprised ;-).

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