Bobby Schnabel is our new Dean, effective in July. Schnabel is leaving a position at the University of Colorado at Boulder as the vice provost/associate vice chancellor for Academic and Campus Technology. Also a computer science professor, Schnabel serves as chief information officer at that University and as the director of the Alliance for Technology, Learning and Society (ATLAS) Institute.
The outgoing head honcho, Mike Dunn, wrote some parting thoughts on his experience and was the subject of an honorary colloquium Thursday. The presenter was Michael McRobbie, himself a new internal hire as the University President-elect, who paid tribute to Dunn with a talk entitled, “From Intensional Logics to Gaggle Theory: A Philosopher’s Journey through the Academy.”
I couldn’t make that talk, as I try to catch up on things before Easter slows me down, but I have to say that I have always believed the ideal leaders are philosophers. I don’t want business folk or politicians sitting in the White House; I want philosophers who are grounded in some theory of life that extends to everything they do. I’m anxious to gain an audience with Bobby Schnabel to see how much philosopher he has in him.
Congratulations to Mike Dunn on a great career. Congratulations to Bobby Schnabel on a new career.