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My Grandmother in a book

I got this book from Chinaberry, actually, but they didn’t want us as affiliates. It explains all the things my mom’s mom took quite seriously, that I didn’t quite get.

In a textbook size book, she lists the finer points of housekeeping, for example, how many different types of cloth towels a kitchen requires, that you dust before you vacuum, clean from inside to out, top to bottom, and how to fold a shirt. Not just how to get out stains, but the why of various cleaners- including molecular structure- is carefully explained. Ever wonder exactly why baking soda works so well as a fire extinguisher? Why, because 2NaCO3 → H2O + CO2.

Apparently Home Economics is a science.

Mom says my grandmother would be proud of me, but I think really she’d roll her eyes at me and say something about actually cleaning the place instead of talking about it.