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Aliens and Father’s Day

The boys worked up a “screenplay” for Father’s day this year. Their accounts differ somewhat. Here’s Archie’s:

Well, We’re in Power Ranger suits. We have them hooked on to grappnals right on my tummy. Our mom was chasing I jumped on her back. Carter got knocked out. When Carter wakes up, I jump on Mom’s back again. After that, we just realized the guns were killing the cities. And then, a ball of purple floats over. It sucks us in and goes right into the city and shoots us out into the city. We save the city. The End.

Here’s Carter’s:

We’re doing karate practic when Evil Jovian Leader (Mom) gets up onto out Ninja fighting platform and chases us around, going AHHHHHH then she pretends to get knocked out and I pretend to trip and fall down. Mom wakes up and grabs me. Archie jumps up and grabs Mom’s back and coers her eyes. Then the Evil Jovian Leader crawls away and we realize that the radio waves we’re using to destroy the Evil Jovian Battle Androids is causing black outs all over Earth where it’s Father’s Day. We save Father’s Day.

The area where they were in the most agreement was the dedication. I had to cut it a bit short, as they couldn’t stop listing the many things that could happen while they would still love Dad. Aliens, long toes, being dumb, being dead, being born- throughout all of those circumstances, they love Dad. Me too.

Without further ado, here’s the flick: