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The League of Extraordinary Kids

Carter and Archie have been devoting a lot of time to exploring exclusivity and membership. The biggest obstacle for complete agreement has been one of leadership.

Earlier this week they were playing with friends Robby and Teddy and creating their club.

Carter: (waving a big stick) This is my staff of leadership.

Robby: So, does that mean you’re the president?

Carter: Well, we could vote. . . .

This conversation resulted in several unusual voting moves, documented in our special investigative report- How many votes is fair?

Later this week, Archie and Carter got back to work sorting out leadership for their newly formed club, G.R.O.W.P.- Get Rid Of Weird People. Carter later admitted that he liked the sound of “Get Rid Of Weirdos” better, but had already drawn the shirts:

G.R.O.W.P. official t-shirt
G.R.O.W.P. official t-shirt

Archie: I’m the president.

Carter: Yes, you’re the president.

Archie: So I tell you what to do.

Carter: Well, I am the supreme leader of all eternity.

Archie: So does that mean I tell you what to do, or you tell me what to do?

Carter: Let’s just not worry about hierarchies and stuff like that.

Archie: Okay. (heading out to play)

Carter: But I am still the supreme leader of all eternity.

After all, she does possess the staff of leadership.