At this moment, two years ago, I was helping Amy move around our house in anticipation of Matilda Megan Makice finally showing up. We had been on watch for two weeks, courtesy a false alarm, so it was with great delight that I finally tweeted that the magic moment had arrived.

Unlike her older brothers, Matilda was pink, giving the homebirthing experience two thumbs up. Carter was home but hiding in another room (a choice that makes him tear up two years later), and Archie was blissfully romping around a friend’s kitchen after a sleepover. By the end of the morning, though, everyone had been properly introduced. Matilda’s support system was at full power.
Where’s the Ma~ in BlogSchmog?
This blog began 11 years ago in anticipation of our first child. Carter benefited from new technologies, like digital cameras, and greater free time to watch his digital footprint grow quickly. Archie, our second son, had fewer photos and posts. Our most recent period of blogging slack came at a bad time for Matilda. She is well documented on our twitter feeds, but there are only a handful of Matilda-related posts here on BlogSchmog:
- Caption Contest—Enter your captions for our first Matilda Megan post!
- Boys, girls, science and marketing—There’s no surprise that we’re not raising girls who think dangerous science could be fun- we’re too busy telling them cleaning is fun.
- Born to Boogie—While I’m quite certain Matilda has her own special dancing talent, it turns out, most babies do. From the Ice Age to present day, dancing and music have helped us not only have fun and connect, but also survive.
That trend may change soon. Matilda came back from a trip north to visit her aunt with much more conversational English. She counts from 2 to 9, and will generally make a go at anything she hears pronounced once. Matilda also slips in an extraneous “h” when telling people where to sit, which sends Nanna into giggles.
My first Matilda-focused blog post will highlight her two-week-old comprehension of joke telling:
Ma~: Knock-knock
Us: Who’s there
Ma~: Daddy
Us: Daddy who?
Ma~: Knock-knockor
Us: Knock-knock
Ma~: Who there?
Us: Daddy
Ma~: Oh (claps) Yay!
Happy birthday to my latest two-year-old.
Welcome to the world, Ma~