I’ve got TED on the brain, and it will only get worse as we inch closer to the May 14 TEDx event here in Bloomington. There is such a wealth of resources in those years of talks on video, it is sometimes overwhelming to try to sift through the archive to find the best content.
PostRank, a Canadian social engagement aggregator service (formerly AideRSS), has turned their attentions to TED, too. They released a special view of social media activity that shows which TED talks are most discussed.

The site lists the top five in each category (Technology, Entertainment, Business, Design, Science, Global), as well as the top videos shared on each of the different social networks. According to PostRank, the top design and technology talk is Pranav Mistry’s SixthSense device. For global issues, it is Julian Assage’s interview about Wikileaks.
PostRank tracks in real-time where and how users engage online, and what they pay attention to. Their social engagement data measures actual user activity, which they claim is the most accurate indicator of the relevance and influence of a social object or individual.