Our new TV “compromise” is that we don’t watch during the week, but they have free access to their TIVO treasure trove on the weekend. For such a dramatic change, Archie has required some sort of methodone. We’ve chosen Noggin. This morning, he was happily playing Maisy alphabet blocks.
Friendly Maisy Man: The letter G makes a “guh” sound. Click on the picture that makes a “guh” sound. Violin, Goat, Hat.
Friendly Maisy Man: Violin. Violin does not start with the guh sound. Click on the picture that starts with a “guh” sound.”
Friendly Maisy Man: Hat. Hat does not start with the guh sound. Click on the picture that starts with the “guh” sound.
Friendly, infinitely patient Maisy Man: Violin. Violin does not start with the guh sound. Click on the picture that starts with a “guh” sound.”
Confused Mama: Archie? What are you doing?
Archie: I’m teasing the man.
You see? Phonics can be fun.