Archie's Antics Mama Journal Parenting

Sticking it to the man.

Our new TV “compromise” is that we don’t watch during the week, but they have free access to their TIVO treasure trove on the weekend. For such a dramatic change, Archie has required some sort of methodone. We’ve chosen Noggin. This morning, he was happily playing Maisy alphabet blocks.

Friendly Maisy Man: The letter G makes a “guh” sound. Click on the picture that makes a “guh” sound. Violin, Goat, Hat.


Friendly Maisy Man: Violin. Violin does not start with the guh sound. Click on the picture that starts with a “guh” sound.”


Friendly Maisy Man: Hat. Hat does not start with the guh sound. Click on the picture that starts with the “guh” sound.


Friendly, infinitely patient Maisy Man: Violin. Violin does not start with the guh sound. Click on the picture that starts with a “guh” sound.”

Confused Mama: Archie? What are you doing?

Archie: I’m teasing the man.

You see? Phonics can be fun.

By Amy Makice

Amy Makice is a social worker actively working on two other family-centered projects, Creative Family Resources and Parenting for Humanity. Amy has a weekly online show on BlogTalkRadio.